Inclusive Outdoor Play Cover

Inclusive Outdoor Play

A practical guide to meeting additional needs

Outdoor play spaces are an important part of the environment for all young children. Specific benefits of outdoor play for children with additional needs include motor skills development, physical fitness and aerobic exercise, and social and emotional development.

There are loads of opportunities to play and discover outdoors, and very few reasons to ever exclude a child with an additional need. This warm and engaging book shows how - with just a little creativity and some lateral thinking - outdoor play spaces can meet the needs of many young children.

Ages: 0-8 | Pages: 52 | Code: TS0248 | ISBN: 9781921613715

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Picture of Anne Vize

Anne Vize

Anne Vize specialises in writing for children and young people who learn in different and unique ways. She is a special educator and writer from Melbourne and works to develop print and digital resources for children, their teachers and supporters. She works in the vocational sector developing learning resources for training providers and creates freelance content to support the new vocational major curriculum in Victoria. Anne is fortunate to be able to divide her time between writing and exploring the wonders of sailing and windsurfing on the stunning Port Phillip Bay.


Understanding ADHD4
Planning for inclusion8
How to use this book10
Lesson plans Sporting superstars12
Calendar capers16
Life cycles18
Timetable task20
Holiday suitcase22
Odd one out23
Finish the list24
Car challenge26
Twenty questions29
Time teasers32
What was the question?36
A fantasy day out40
Puzzle it out42
Extra activity sheets
Calendar capers (a)45
Calendar capers (b)46
Feeling good sheet47
Time teasers (a)48
Time teasers (b)49
Additional resources50
Key skills chart52