Let’s Take It Outside! Book 1 Cover

Let’s Take It Outside! Book 1

Educator-created activities for outdoor learning

The age-appropriate activities in book 1 are thematically organised, for example, counting, animals and insects, light and shadow, and are easily incorporated into your planning. Simple, readily available materials, clear learning objectives, preparation and method notes, plus tips, provide sound educator support for the activities in a busy early years setting. So, take the children outside for stimulating learning adventures as they make mud-dough letters, go on a rainbow scavenger hunt and play animal charades!

Ages: 3-5 | Pages: 66 | Code: 0810 | ISBN: 9781927251447

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Mary Rein

Mary Rein has since retired from Gryphon House, she lives in Maryland.

Brittany Roberts

Brittany Roberts is a junior editor with Gryphon House. She lives in Clemmons, North Carolina.

Kathy Charner

Kathy Charner is the Editor-in-Chief, Books and Related Resources for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the United States’ leading professional organisation for those working with and on behalf of young children from birth to eight years of age. Kathy Charner, who was previously the Editor-in-Chief of Gryphon House, manages and oversees NAEYC’s book publishing programme. Before joining NAEYC, Charner spent 25 years at Gryphon House, where she developed the publishing programme and worked with authors to create books in the early childhood education field. Prior to joining Gryphon House, Charner was a preschool teacher and educational researcher. Kathy Charner has a BA in Humanities from Binghamton University. She lives with her husband in Silver Spring, Maryland.


About this resource5
4+ Count the action!6
Leaf scavenger hunt7
Musical number hoops8
Pavement number line9
Scoop, pour and measure10
Water bag toss11
Wonderful web12
3+ Alphabet nature hunt13
Mud dough letters14
Fun with swirly letters16
4+ Letter lucky dip16
Toss-and-tell letters game17
Twiggy ABCs18
5+ Bottle bowling19
Letters, letters everywhere20
3+ Bubble colour prints21
Shaving-cream colours22
Snow colours22
Stone search23
4+ Colour, may I?23
Pavement colour sort24
Pavement colours25
Rainbow scavenger hunt26
5+ Leaves in the wind27
3+ Block stamps28
Shape songs28
Hoppity shapes29
Make your own blocks30
4+ I spy shape hunt31
Shape match-ups32
Shape toss33
5+ Mapping the great outdoors34
3+ A brush with nature35
Fence weaving36
Messy painting adventures37
Paint the outdoors!38
Paint the town wet!39
Wet-chalk art40
4+ Art stations41
Families totally rock!42
Shadow painting43
The sense of touch44
3+ Mud play44
Surfboard feet45
4+ Feely numbers46
Hand sand castings47
Rock collecting48
Rough or smooth49
Sensory walk50
Texture rubbings51
5+ Rubbing safari52
Texture scavenger hunt53
Sound and sight54
3+ Let's listen!54
Musical tree55
4+ Binocular fun56
Close your eyes and listen57
Colour telescopes58
Four seasons of nature walks59
I am the outdoors!60
Name that voice60
Picnic snatcher61
Sound lotto62
What is it?63
5+ Magnify it64