Socially Strong, Emotionally Secure, Educator edition Cover

Socially Strong, Emotionally Secure, Educator edition

Activities to promote resilience in young children

Socially Strong, Emotionally Secure provides educators with resilience-building activities to assist and support children in developing these skills. The activities are designed to be both fun and educational, offering the children opportunities to discover and learn through play.

Ages: 3-7 | Pages: 80 | Code: 0983 | ISBN: 9781776553037

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Nefertiti Bruce

Nefertiti Bruce, M.Ed. is an Early Childhood Specialist and trainer for the Devereux Early Childhood Initiative (DECI), and provides professional development and consultation to early childhood programmes across the United States. Nefertiti is the co-author of Building your bounce: Simple strategies for a resilient you, a tool to help adults strengthen their resilience.

Devereux is the US’s largest non-profit educational and behavioural health care organisation. With a focus on promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development and resilience, to date the Devereux Early Childhood Initiative (DECI) has helped more than 3 million children across the US. In 2009, the Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC) was created to advance Deveruex’s commitment to primary prevention and promotion of resilience of all children.

Karen Cairone

Karen B. Cairone, M.Ed. is a Special Projects/Trainer for the Devereux Early Childhood Initiative (DECI), where she is responsible for resource development, serves as editor of the national newsletter, and works on various other special projects for DECI. She is the co-writer and co-producer of the Facing the challenges DVDs, Classroom moments DVD and accompanying training, and the co-author of For now and forever: A family guide for the social and emotional development of infants and toddlers.

Devereux is the US’s largest non-profit educational and behavioural health care organisation. With a focus on promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development and resilience, to date the Devereux Early Childhood Initiative (DECI) has helped more than 3 million children across the US. In 2009, the Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC) was created to advance Deveruex’s commitment to primary prevention and promotion of resilience of all children.


Introduction .6
What is social development? .6
What is emotional development? .6
What is resilience? .6
How can you help children develop resilience? .6
Why resilience matters .7
How to use this book .8
Chapter 1: Promoting resilience through supportive, caring practices .9
10 ways to promote resilience using supportive, caring practices .10
Activities .11
Give me a hand .11
When we were little, now that we're big!13
Prime minister for a day! .14
That's my name! .15
Let me show you .17
Feelings quilt .18
Puppet talk .19
Family and friendship fruit salad20
Negotiation station .21
Message centre .23
Chapter 2: Promoting resilience through home and school partnerships .24
10 ways to promote resilience using home and school partnerships .25
Activities .26
Family show and tell .26
My family photo album .27
Pass the message baton .28
I can take care of myself .29
The best messenger .30
Bright beginnings, happy endings .31
Positive postcards .33
A kiss I can keep .34
Responsibility apple tree .35
Talking about mistakes .36
Chapter 3: Promoting resilience through activities and experiences .37
10 ways to promote resilience using activities and experiences .38
Activities .39
The perfect pair .39
Find delight now, catch up later .40
Our welcome wreath .41
Turn that frown upside down .42
Our parade of flags .44
Relaxation in a bottle .45
Follow your leader .46
Our classroom flag .47
Still as statues .48
Everyone's pet .49
Chapter 4: Promoting resilience through daily routines and transitions .50
10 ways to promote resilience using daily routines and transitions .51
Activities .52
Clothes peg pictorial schedule52
A star marks the spot .53
On the dance floor .54
It's my choice! .55
Let's pretend charades .57
Leave a little wiggle room .58
It's almost time! .59
Together we're better .60
Something to talk about .61
A season for cleaning .62
Chapter 5: Promoting resilience through the play and learning environment .63
10 ways to promote resilience using the play and learning environment .64
Activities .65
Individual theme kits .65
Walking on my knees for you .66
Where does it go? .67
The be-by-myself box .68
Wall of fame .70
My family placemats .71
Cups of fun .72
All about my feelings .73
Let's get physical .75
Free the toys! .77
Recommended resources .79