The Early Literacy Guide: Book 1 Language and Literacy Cover

The Early Literacy Guide: Book 1 Language and Literacy

Practical ideas for building literacy skills from 0 - 7 years

This book shows language is at the heart of literacy. It includes sessions illustrating good teaching practice, designed to act as a springboard rather than a rigid recipe for an educators own programme.

Ages: 0-7 | Pages: 56 | Code: 0724 | ISBN: 9781927221006

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Dominic Wyse

Dominic Wyse is professor of Early Childhood and Primary Education at the Institute of Education, University of London and a widely published author. A major strand of Dominic's research is on the tea

Christine Parker

Christine Parker is the principal of a large primary school in the east of England. Previously she was head of an early excellence centre where she led the nursery school. She has also worked as a par


Chapter 1: Building on what children know6
Engaging with parents' knowledge8
Chapter 2: Motivation for reading and writing11
Continuous provision and intrinsic motivation12
Rhyme time14
Interactive story time15
Chapter 3: High-quality literacy teaching16
Teaching reading: an overview16
Teaching writing: an overview17
Reading sessions for four-year-olds18
Reading sessions for six-year-olds20
Writing sessions for four-year-olds23
Writing sessions for six-year-olds26
Chapter 4: Interacting with children29
Two children interacting with an adult30
Connecting interactions with literacy33
Chapter 5: Bilingualism and multilingualism34
Te reo Mäori in New Zealand curricula35
Languages in Australian curricula35
Support for new migrant children36
Planning for multilingual learners38
Bilingual sessions with three-year-olds39
Building on language discussions in junior classes40
Working with multilingual reading resources42
Working with multilingual writing resources43
Chapter 6: Assessing language and literacy44
Assessing talk45
Assessing children's literacy learning45