Encouraging Early Sports Skills Cover

Encouraging Early Sports Skills

Ideas for fun activities that promote lifelong wellbeing

Take the lead - introduce young children to exhilarating, positive sporting experiences. This resource offers the ideas and support you need to confidently implement a variety of sports and physical activities. It sets out a thorough and readily adaptable programme plan that is designed to develop the range of physical, social, problem solving and other skills required. It also includes detailed descriptions of how to set up and play a diversity of sports suited to this young age group.

Ages: 4-7 | Pages: 58 | Code: 0539 | ISBN: 9781877523694

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Jake Green

Jake Green has a BA in sports journalism and is currently working as a sports writer. Jake is a keen sportsman and soccer player, having played for many teams over the last 14 years.

Sandy Green

Sandy Green has over 35 years’ experience of working in the early childhood sector, in both educational and social services settings. She writes for several educational publications, has written more than 20 books and is the series editor for many more titles focusing on the early years. Sandy now runs her own educational consultancy specialising in the early childhood sector.


Making plans5
Some child-friendly sports7
Netball and basketball12
Kwik cricket16
Short tennis20
Developing physical skills for sport26
Stages of physical development26
Preparation for physical activity27
Developing relevant skills28
Suggested plan for a six-week programme31
Week 1: Exercise and health31
Week 2: Ball skills34
Week 3: Balance and coordination37
Week 4: Creative bodies40
Week 5: Space, direction and orientation43
Week 6: Teamwork and cooperation46
Bringing it all together49
Collecting evidence of children's learning52
Overview of the six-week plan54
Home links55
Parents' page56